Waves InPhase Phase Correction Plug-In at Front End Audio

Let's face it: Shift happens. That's why Waves created the Waves InPhase Phase Correction Plug-In, the ultimate phase correction plugin for phase shift treatment, phase alignment and complex phase manipulation tasks and Front End Audio is taking orders!Phasing can occur throughout the production process: In recording, when multiple signals are combined: Like individual drum mics and overheads; guitar amps and DIs; and sources recorded with more than one microphone. In mixing, when phasing issues that weren't addressed during recording need to be corrected. In mastering, when the final stereo mix has phasing problems.

To help you restore phase coherence, InPhase features high resolution dual waveform displays; phase shift filters with adjustable frequency and Q; and an intuitive correlation meter which shows you just how much your tracks are in-or out of phase. You can move your waveforms manually or using the delay control, and even align them in relation to a sidechain input. InPhase includes mono, stereo, and dedicated live components, plus InPhase LT, a simplified version that gives you easy access to creative phase manipulation.

Phasing can cause drops in volume and wreak havoc on your frequency response and stereo image; InPhase gives you the power to get your tracks back on track.


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